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You are thinking about purchasing a refurbished phone so that you can enjoy mobile casinos online. Before you are going out and purchase the cheapest refurbished phone you can find, there are a couple of things you need to know.

It is important to reconsider. There are many reasons why you should not consider buying a refurbished phone, and why you should rather spend a little more money and purchase a phone that will give you value for money. These are just five of the reasons why you should not buy a refurbished phone, ever. 

Things can go wrong with the phone

Because a refurbished phone has been used before, things can easily go wrong with the phone. It can happen the same day you bought the phone, or it can happen a week after you purchase it. 

Normally a refurbished phone had one or another fault on that was repaired. But, it won't stay repaired for long. Why is the phone refurbished in the first place? This is something to think about. 

Warranties aren't good with refurbished phones

With a new phone, you will get a warranty of between 12 to 24 months. However, no matter what you will not get the same amount of warrantee with a refurbished phone. You will be lucky if you are getting a 6-month warranty. Some refurbished phones don't even have a warranty on them. Meaning that you are purchasing it as-is.

This is dangerous to purchase a refurbished phone if it doesn't have a good warranty on it. There might be a reason why the warranty isn't long or why there isn't a warranty in the first place. 

You will have fewer worries with a new phone

With a refurbished phone, you will not know when the phone is going to break. Even the battery of the phone won't be as good as a new phone's battery. This means that you will always worry if the phone is going to last through the month or not. Only people that have owned refurbished phones before can tell you that you will always worry about the phone and wait for it to breaks. 

The moment that you have a new phone, you will not have any worries at all. You will know that the phone will be in perfect condition and that it will last for years to come. Or until you let the phone fall and the screen breaks. 

The phone might be damaged and you didn't know that

Most of the time, a refurbished phone is damaged or was damaged before it was refurbished and repaired. Meaning that even if you can't see it, the phone isn't in top condition. In most cases, a refurbished phone looks new, but it doesn't mean that it is really in the good condition it seems to be in. 

The result is that the moment that you are getting the phone, you might realize that there are problems with it. Let you realize that it was just a waste of money. And, then you can't do anything about it. Most refurbished phones aren't replaceable by the business where you have purchased it from. 

It will not feel like a new phone to you

You can ask any person that has purchased a refurbished phone before. Even if this is a new phone for you, and there is nothing on the phone that will remind you that the phone is refurbished, it will not feel the same. With a new phone, it feels just different, then purchasing a refurbished phone.

You might always wonder about the previous owner of the phone. Was there something uploaded to the phone that might gather all your personal information. Or, you might be wondering if the phone was stolen or not. 

For playing mobile casinos online, you might consider purchasing a refurbished phone. It is cheaper and you can use the money you have left for gambling. However, these 5 reasons shown you that this might not be such a good idea to purchase a refurbished phone. You will not know if the phone is 100% in perfect condition, or if there was a screen replacement before. If someone has damaged the phone, that is repaired in such a way that you can purchase it. You need to remember that there is a good reason why refurbished phones don't have a long warranty. Because these phones can't really be trusted on the long run. 

Even though it is still a mystery as to why many of the Galaxy Note 7 units started to catch fire, there is a rumor which is indicating that the Korean giant may start selling refurbished versions of the Note 7 in 2017. According to the same source, these "refurbished" devices will be sold in India and Vietnam to make for some of the money that Samsung lost during the entire Note 7 episode. In my opinion, that's absolute hogwash because of the following reasons.

1. Samsung cares about its reputation and they are not going to let their already tarnished reputation get any worse by pulling such a dirty move.

2. They have completely discontinued their entire Note 7 production line-up. The Galaxy S8, as well as the Note 8 will be taking up all the attention, time and care that their production departments can offer to ensure safe and successful launches for both the upcoming phones.

3. The rumor which I found on a popular site refers to a source article that was published on September 26, while the Note 7 was officially announced as being discontinued on October 11 (approximately). Therefore, the rumor is probably based on an outdated piece of news and is therefore invalid.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

If you are eager to see the Galaxy Note 7 being re-launched then we have good news for you. New images of the Galaxy Note 7 "refurbished edition" has been leaked online. However, the sad news is that in order to make it a safer and less explosive device, Samsung has not only changed the battery line-up, but the batteries themselves as well. While that should be good news, it really isn't because the refurbished Note 7 will now reportedly, sport a smaller 3,200mAh cell instead of the original's 3,500mAh cell.

As the pictures came in from a Vietnamese fan site, it seems that the rumors about the Note 7 being introduced in the country may not be just a rumor after all. Rumor also had it that India would also be getting the refurbished Note 7, but a Samsung employee has mentioned that it won't. Even if it is re-introduced in certain nations, it may not actually go on sale, but could only be available as a rental phone. We will have to wait to find out more. In the meanwhile, check out the images to see all that they reveal.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Via: SamMobile


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