Take a look at these cool new animations on Android N and the super enthusiastic YouTuber who shows it to us

23 May, 2016 Android

Thanks to GeekCeption, we can now look at most of the beautiful animations embedded in Android N, before its official release. In fact, he films them all in slow motion, which makes them even cooler to look at. Everything you see is of course, based on the latest developer preview that Google released a while ago.

There are people who will try to convince you that these effects are unnecessary, but they are wrong. A user interface is all about the user experience and how the different animations look while performing various tasks on the phone is an integral part of that experience. There's a reason as to why the OEM companies put so much effort and money into the special effects and animations; it is because of the fact that without them, smartphones would just be boring pieces of technology that people use.

Apart from the tech bit, one simply cannot ignore the happiness and excitement that can be seen on the host's face throughout the video! You might start to smile a bit yourself as the infectious cheerfulness begins to catch on by the end of the video. Take a look now to see what we are talking about.


Author: Saikat Kar (Tech-journalist and enthusiast)


Posts: 8568

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