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The fourth iteration of Smart Game Booster from PCGameBoost could be a surprisingly effective solution for PC gamers with older machines that they cannot upgrade right now. Not only is the software promising to be an effective tool for boosting gaming performance in any Windows PC, it's actually free to download and try. That's a lucrative offer right there, so feel free to downloadd it right now and orm your own opiion. Howver, if you actually want to know what it can really do for your PC gaming needs, stick around as we discuss the features and their effectiveness in brief.

Consider it to be an All Purpose Gaming Companion for Your PC




If you have ever used Nvidia GeForce Experience or AMD's Adrenalin, you will find Smart Game Booster to be quite similar to them in many ways. However, there are two main differences between the GPU giants' proprietary software packages and Smart Game Booster.


  1. Unlike Geforce Experience or Adrenalin, which are each tied only to their own manufacture cards, Smart Game Booster supports all GPUs

  2. Smart Game Booster offers a number of additional features that none of the software optimizers from Nvidia or AMD can boast of

However, the similarity exists because they are all PC tuning software packages, meant to keep your GPU always updated with the latest drivers, tune up games to boost performance or graphical quality, and even overclock the graphics card to support better graphics. It's just that Smart Game Booster is not proprietary, works with all PCs and has a lot more to offer than anything which GeForce Experience or AMD Adrenalin can.

The Features: How Useful are They?

Smart Game Booster 4 offers everything that you can possibly expect from a PC tuning and gaming assistance software, if not more. As to what they are exactly and how they work, let's find out.

Game Booster: Boost Your Average fps with a Singe Click

In online games, how many frame you can see per second makes a lot of difference, especially if you are playing a shooter or any game that requires fast reaction times. When you click on the Game Booster icon, Smart Game Booster Makes It Happen for You by taking a number of steps after that single click.

  • Cleans the RAM

  • Ends all background processes unnecessary for playing the game

  • Disables the autostart apps, so that they cannot hog you PC's limited resources

  • Frees up all possible resoures of the PC, so that they can all be directed to boost gaming performance


Naturally, when your PC can direct all its available sources towards that single game you are playing, you will see a boost in fps, frequent freezing will be less of an issue, and your CPU/GPU temperatures will alo stay low, as they don't have to multitask so much anymore. If your GPU does begin to overheat, which is likely if you overclock it too hgh, Smart Game Booster will warn you about the rise in temperature, well before that can become a serious issue.

Overclocking is Easy with Smart Game Booster




Overclocking is not exactly tough work for anyone familiar with the concept, but not everyone is used to overclocking their GPUs and CPUs manually. It can take up quite some time to learn, and even more time to perfect. The Super Boost button in Smart Game Booster however, flattens the learning curve like a pro. Not only does it instantly overclock your GPU to its optimum performance level, the software also keeps adjusting the clock speeds to maintain the GPU's OC temperatures within the safety zone. That is really a huge advantage to have by on one's side.

Although Super Boost does work pretty well, the only thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't work with some of the older cards. Nevertheless, Smart Game Booster supports most Nvidia and AMD cards released in the last few years and you can always check their site for more clarity regarding whether or not your GPU is supported. If it is supported though, expect Smart Game Booster to turn your old graphics card into an upgraded version of itself, forcing out higher fps and facilitating smoother gameplay.

Fine Tunes Your PC to Perform Better Inside and Outside Gaming Sessions




Smart Game Booster is a companion software for gamers primarily, but its features can also benefit your PC as a whole.

Disk Defragmentation - Disk Defragmentation is supposed to make your HDD or SSD load everything faster, including video games, and it's most noticeable when you enter a new in-game map, launch a new game or any other software. Movies stored onto the hard disk will play without freezing, skipping or slowing down, while essential programs will load instantly.

Automatic Diver Updates - Smart Game Booster automatically downloads and installs the necessary drivers for your specific GPU. This doesn't just improve in-game performance, but also keeps your PC's visuals crisp during media consumption, photo editing and video editing.

Game recording is Pretty Smooth - Admittedly, fps will take a toll while recording gaming sessions, but that's unavoidable, no matter what software is used to record while playing. Even then, Smart Game Booster tries to maintain a balance between the recorded footage's quality and the in-game performance, as best as the hardware would allow. If there's enough juice in your hardware to power both rendering and recording simultaneously though, just press CTRL + ALT + V and get ready to watch your exploits in high definition later on.




Organize All Your Games into a Single Library - With Uplay, Origin, Steam, GOG and a host of other online libraries and stores, it's a pain to launch games from each of individually. Smart Game Booster has its own library which lets the user optimize, boost and launch all games from all separate vendors, right from the menu. We found this feature to be very convenient and timesaving to say the least!


This list wouldn't have made much sense, had the features been half baked to be honest, which is fortunately, not what we saw. Apparently, there were a few bugs in the earlier versions, but with Smart Game Booster v4.3 onwards, those bugs have mostly been taken care of. As it turned out, all the advertised features do work as mentioned. Even if you have a PC with the latest hardware in it, we recommend giving Smart Game Boost a try. It's possible that you might be able to lower the average GPU temperatures and make your PC run faster than before, even when you are not gaming on it. Older PCs will experience the best effects of Smart Game Booster though, as it has the potential and capabilities to make your old hardware feel significantly faster, both inside and outside games.



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