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The gaming industry is becoming very saturated due to the vast number of consoles and PC's hitting the market in recent years. All providing the very best of a gaming experience for a whole range of users. But where does mobile gaming fit in? With a number of purpose-built phones making their way onto the market, there are a number of well-known console titles beginning to make their way onto a mobile platform with unprecedented success. Here, we are looking into what the future holds for mobile gaming and how advancements in technology will help to shape the future of this growing industry.

Processing Power

As the world of mobile gaming continues to expand, the phones have also become much more advanced in order to keep up. With technology giants such as Samsung creating there most powerful smartphone yet in the form of the S10, and the Apple iPhone X the processing power of each and every mobile device is increasing. The brand new S10 contains a processor of up to 12GB of ram, meaning that you have a large amount of processing power at your fingertips. In addition to this, there is the option for a vapour chamber cooling system available in the S10+ as well as an infinity-O display and Dolby sound this phone is fully optimised for those that love gaming on the go.

On-Demand gaming Services

There are also a number of other on-demand gaming services as Google Stadia that have recently made their way onto the market. This on-demand gaming service allows gamers to play AAA titles such as Doom and Assassins Creed just with an internet connection and a controller. This is great for the connectivity of gamers as it allows for those that wish to connect and play anywhere they want with a simple internet connection allowing for games to be played with ease.

On the other end of the spectrum, there have been more and more gambling companies making the move to mobile gaming and tapping into the vast number of mobile gamers as a result. A number of mobile-friendly slots online casinos have had great success, as indicated by the reviews that they are receiving, such as those found at https://www.vegasslots.co.uk/reviews/. As the interest from the gambling industry as well as the console gaming industry continues to expand you are sure to see a number of games finding their way onto Android and IOS platforms.

Developments in 5G

Another aspect that is changing the future of mobile gaming is the implementation of 5G. With a number of phone manufacturers such as Huawei and other phones soon to hit the market, 5g phones https://5g.co.uk/phones/ are becoming all the more popular as a result. This technological advancement is great for those that love mobile gaming as well as those that are developing as this opens up the possibility for new and improved gaming experiences through faster online connections. Although this technology is still in the beginning stages of its life, there are a number of mobile companies that are looking to adopt the technology and bring it onto the market on a much larger scale.

Augmented Reality

Following the widely successful Pokemon Go, there has been an increased focus in the number of mobile games utilising the use of AR for a fully immersive gaming experience. Not only have Niantic paved the way for the AR revolution in mobile gaming but they are also looking to replicate this success with a new title Wizards Unite. This new title allows you to combine the wizarding world with your own, by combining port keys and battle other wizards to explore new areas and gain experience. In addition to games such as this AR has also made its way into a number of other mobile games creating an immersive experience as a whole.

Virtual Reality

Another example of the very best of mobile gaming is the implementation of VR. With a number of technologies out there such as Samsung VR and Google Cardboard, you can take your phone with your favourite VR games and play in a fully immersive experience. This is ideal for those that love to be fully immersed in a game, as it gives you the chance to remove yourself from the outside world whilst playing your favourite game. Although this is only a recent addition to the mobile gaming industry, this is slowly making its way into a number of different industry's offering new ways to play that suit every gamer.

The future of mobile gaming is looking very bright as the technology and capabilities continue to expand. As this technology continues to expand the gap is being shortened between the conventional console gaming experience and mobile experiencing opening up existing possibilities for both industries.


"iPhone 4 - Home Screen" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by William Hook

In the last ten years or so, mobile phone technologies have improved rapidly and most games are now as impressive as their PC and console counterparts. When you think that not too long ago, we were all playing Snake on the old-school Nokia 3310...!

Whether you are a football fan playing FIFA 17, a punter betting on French roulette or a puzzle aficionado playing Sudoku, it is amazing to think just how seamless the experience is on a mobile. Eventually, mobile gaming might even overtake console gaming - the sector is already set to surpass revenues earned in the latter stages of 2016, generating $31.9 billion while console gaming will "only" take in $29 billion.

Accessible and Improved Graphics are Key

Accessibility has been crucial to the rise in gaming on smartphones: what could be better than beating boredom while queuing at the store with a quick game of Angry Birds? It is all available at the click of a button or the swipe of a tablet.

One sector which has especially benefitted from the take-up of this new trend is iGaming. In fact, mobile online casino games such as roulette or slots are perfectly suited for smartphone users who like to play in short bursts and possibly win hard cash on your mobile device. Review websites focusing specifically on mobile casinos such as Casino Quest have even flourished in recent times due to the rise in popularity and exposure of these games. Designers have worked on making the gameplay both realistic and quick; and the live casino rooms are just as detailed on a smartphone device as they are on a wider screen.

"Angry Birds" (CC BY 2.0) by Johan Larsson

While it is sometimes more practical to play these games on a wider computer screen, the graphics and feel of gaming on a smartphone certainly appeals to the masses. After all, not everybody can afford to fork out £500 for a reliable computer; in contrast, smartphones give users the chance to get their gaming fix whilst still being able to text, make phone calls and do other daily chores, all on that tiny screen.

Competitive and MMO Play

The one big difference between mobile and console lies in competitive eSports and MMO games. eSports feature worldwide tournaments and events for the very best players on the planet, while MMOs need massive open worlds and a lot of real-time interaction. It doesn't seem that developers and designers are making much effort (yet) to produce engaging MMO games for mobiles. There needs to be a shift in the MMO culture to ensure that the likes of Order & Chaos don't remain a small niche in the mobile world.

As for eSports, games like League of Legends actually have a huge take-up on PC, which is the first step towards mobile adoption. This type of games tends to be favoured by hardcore players, so again studios need to step up to the challenge of creating engaging mobile options. And if we believe Andrew Paradise, CEO of Skillz (which creates eSports infrastructure), the time is ripe. Games like Vainglory have been very popular on Twitch in 2015, with over 150 million minutes watched.

"Friends with Mobile Phones" (CC BY 2.0) by garryknight

We can't deny that consoles are still very popular but the lure of playing your favourite games on the move has seen a major shift in the gaming universe. With the rise of Augmented Reality (remember Pokémon Go?), mobile gaming is definitely getting a bright future.

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Mobile gaming has become the new rage among the present generation as many breathtaking titles along with card-based gambling options such as blackjack, poker free, and slot machines are easily available. This is driven by a declining cost of the internet as well as ease of access associated with smartphones. Whether it is on a subway or in a shared cab, people can be seen playing games on their mobile phones. This naturally raises the question of what makes these entertainments so popular, what are the challenges associated, and how to access these titles for free.

Major Benefits of Mobile Gaming

So what are the major factors that have made gaming on smartphones one of the most essential parts of our lives? Here we are listing some of the upside points of playing mobile games.

Stunning Graphics and Beautiful Design



All the tremendously popular games, be it Clash of Clans or PUBG, have incredible design features and beautiful graphics that can compete even with the movies. Such elements make them visually appealing and give the players an aesthetic pleasure. This is almost always backed by stunning musical pieces. Some of the game development companies have even hired specialist music composers to develop the theme music. Taking a cue from them, slot machine developers like Microgaming, NetEnt, Merkur, and others have also followed the same high standards.

Engaging Gameplay

Having sharp graphics is one thing, and having a deep story background is a totally different side. All the successful games have featured deep character arcs, neatly written background plots, and thorough use of human psychology. Thus these games appeal to the human conscience, and players not simply play them, they themselves become a part of the narrative.

Real-Time Play

Most modern games now feature a real-time play environment where the player can compete against their peers. This makes them a competitive activity rather than limiting it to leisure only. Thus they also help the players in improving their social connectivity and offer a clean recluse to those who find it hard to interact in person. Many of the slot machines now feature a similar environment too, and hence the players can challenge their friends to a match and place a wager against them.

Increased Number of Levels

All the successful games feature a number of levels that are increasingly hard to cross. Hence, the player feels the challenge being increased after passing any of the levels. Thus rather than getting bored, they enjoy these newer challenges that test their skills as well as patience.

The Biggest Limitations

However, not everything is rosy in the world of gaming and gamers. Here are some of the biggest limitations of mobile entertainments.

Losing Element of Innovation

Despite all that is good about them, here is a harsh truth about the gaming world. Only a few developers focus on the innovation part while the rest of them simply copy the idea into their newer app. Hence as a result of this, these games are losing their charm as the players are served the same old dish with a new dressing. It can be a definite challenge to find a truly innovative and unique game, after playing a certain number of titles.

Increasing Cost of Playing

Most of the time mobile games are developed with the sole purpose of generating income for the developers. This is obviously not true for legendary development companies. But most of the time-independent developers deliberately fill these games with advertisements and provide special bonus rounds if the players make a purchase. In this race of commercialization, creativity is a very clear casualty.

Sense of Detachment

Mobile games can be addicting, and the players often get lost in this world. This addiction can lead to numerous psychological damages such as a growing sense of detachment and losing value for social relations. While this addiction certainly benefits the developers, as they earn more, a player is the one who is on the losing side.

Having seen some of the characteristics and major limitations of mobile games, one can be sure that this is definitely a charming world. It remains a task on the part of players to navigate this stream with ease and not being lost.


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