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According to a survey conducted by Reuters/Ipsos in all 50 states of the US, the reputation of Samsung as a brand is almost totally intact in the country. It was found that about 27% of the people, who knew about the Note 7’s first and second recall, would still give Samsung devices a fair chance while selecting their next smartphone. Interestingly, it was found that 25% of the people who did not know anything about the issues with the Note 7 would also give Samsung smartphones a chance while picking out their next device. The higher percentages of people who are open towards Samsung devices seem to belong to the group which actually know about Samsung’s embarrassing episode. This clearly shows how unaffected Samsung’s reputation is in the United States.

A more overwhelming response was recorded when 91% of the polled people who are Samsung smartphones users at the moment, voted that they would buy a Samsung again. In fact, according to the final results published by the survey, of all the people who were included in the survey, 92% are very much open to buying a Samsung device.

The following reasons were cited as being behind such a convincing and positive response from the customers in the US by Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research.

1. An early and timely recall.

2. A very limited number of seriously harmful incidents.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Everyone knows what happened with the Galaxy Note 7 and that knowledge had led experts to believe that the disaster would cost Samsung a huge sum of money; somewhere close to the figure of $17 billion to be precise. Strangely enough, the results seem to disagree.

According to the Korean tech giant, they are enjoying an operating profit of 9.2 trillion won, which is equivalent to $7.2 billion. Considering that Samsung had enjoyed a profit of 6.14 trillion won or $5.2 billion in Q4 2015, that's almost a 50% increase in profits! At this point, one has to wonder, where did the "loss" suffered by the OEM due to the failure of the Galaxy Note 7 go?

The operating profit made by Samsung in Q4, 2016 is not only bigger than Q4, 2015, but it is also the biggest ever in any quarter of any year, second only to the profits enjoyed by the company in Q3 2013. This remarkable and astonishing feat was achieved thanks mainly to its semi-conductor and OLED departments, which managed to make record amounts of profit due to demand from Chinese smartphone manufacturers. In fact, out of the 9.2 trillion won operating profit reported by the company, 4.5 trillion won ($3.8 billion) came from its semi-conductor business alone. Some experts have also pointed out that Samsung's decision to deal only in USD has also played a big part here, especially since the Korean won is comparatively weaker by a very significant margin.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

The Korean tech giant has made its financial report for Q4, 2016 public now and it shows how strong the company is as a whole. The total revenue acquired by Samsung in the last quarter of 2016 was 53.33 trillion Won/$45.72 billion, with an operating profit of 9.22 trillion Won/$7.9 billion. Considering that these figures show a hike of 50% as compared to Q4, 2016, as well as being the most impressive figures for Samsung since 2013, one has to wonder where did the losses incurred by Samsung after the Note 7 disaster go?

As it turns out, Samsung's semiconductor business, with assistance from its display business has more than made up for any losses that its Mobile department may have suffered due to the unfortunate incident. In fact, even the Mobile department does not seem to have suffered too much due to the Note 7's discontinuation. Samsung claims that the continuing excellent performance of the S7 and S7 Edge, in combination with better performance from its mid-range and low-range handsets have kept its mobile department profitable. As detailed in the report, Samsung expects a decline in sales and profits in the first quarter of 2017 as compared to Q1, 2016. This would be brought on as a result of marketing expenses and apparently a dip in the sale of television sets.

 Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

There was a time when the only real competitor Samsung had was Apple, but those times have changed and they have changed a lot. Make no mistake, Apple is still Samsung's biggest adversary in many ways, but the Cupertino giant is no longer the only concern for Samsung as Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo are taking the market by storm by offering high-end hardware at competitive prices. Nevertheless, even amongst so much speculation, Samsung has managed to hold the number one position as the leading smartphone seller at the end of Q1 2018. The stats are not as impressive as they once were and in certain markets, Samsung has clearly lost a lot of business, but even then, the Korean MNC is still the global leader in total smartphone sales across the world. Check out some of the stats below, as presented by the analytics farm Counterpoint.

·         Samsung shipped a total of 78 (22%) million smartphones in this quarter, out of the 360 million total

·         Apple came second with 52.2 million (15%)

·         Huawei holds the third position with 39.6 million shipments (11%)

·         Apple remains the number one seller in North America (38%), with Samsung coming in at second (27%)

·         In Asia, Huawei, Xiaomi and Samsung are tied for the first spot with 13% each, while Apple has slipped into the second position with 12%

·         Samsung is the dominant smartphone seller in Latin America, Middle East & Africa and Europe with 37%, 28$ and 33$ of the market share respectively


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