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A developer preview of the Ubuntu mobile OS has been introduced and some Android phones may actually be used to try the new mobile operating system. However, before doing so, be forewarned that installing it on your Android phone will wipeout all of your data so it is better to perform a back-up before experimenting on this open source system. Some of the devices that it supports are the Nexus 4, 7 and 10 as well as the Galaxy Nexus.

It is also important to note that since the OS is new, it is not without flaws and it is expected that it will not function as optimally as well-established mobile operating systems in the market. Ubuntu Touch will entice open-source enthusiasts and some already report that it is quick and is better than what they had thought. Again, remember to back-up if you want to try to experience it.

Link:  Ubuntu



The media player, Plex, announced on Tuesday, February 12 that it has updated the Android version of its app for PlexPas users.  That means users who paid for the premium services will get the update for the app. This new edition of Plex's Android app not only has a new design that is inspired by Holo guidelines, but it also offers plenty of new features and lot more to give users a painless experience.

The Android version of Plex app now has the latest browsing interface that offers unlimited scrolling from a first to last list, quick application of filters, grainy bandwidth levels to watch films, a novel music playing interface along with terrific album art and much more. The top new feature this Android app from Plex boasts is the usage of devices as a server. In addition to this, now users can watch films through the app on Wi-Fi enabled tablets from their smartphones or vice versa.

What's in this version:

  • NEW: Should now be GTV-compatible.
  • NEW: Do a connectivity check when user taps refresh on the home screen.
  • NEW: Add a share action, allows queuing URLs to Plex from other applications.
  • FIX: Quite a few crashes.
  • FIX: Improve memory usage around music playback.
  • FIX: Reduce memory usage around background art.
  • FIX: Only consider non-shared servers for default.
  • FIX: Unwatched filter was backwards.

Google Play Link


Google's Holo design for the Play 4.0 truly has a distinct look, featuring clean lines and white spaces that will surely captivate many. It is much pleasing to the eye and a few minor changes have been made. It has been rolled out to a few lucky people whohave gotten their hands on its simplicity and ease of use.

Some noticeable changes on its appearance have also been noticed as well, such as the grainy or pixelated background and clearer choices with the use of white spaces.

Another noticeable difference when downloading apps from the Google Play 4.0 is that it does not take the user to a different page when downloading something, making it quicker and easier to use. The "keep shopping" button has also been scrapped, which will probably be appreciated by many as it could be quite bothersome.

The Google Play 4.0 is a lot cleaner and will surely make many people happy. It is not yet available among most Android users but trust that it will be a big improvement from the previous version.

Source: androidandme


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