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The announcement that came a few months ago brought the bad news to many individuals across the UK and Europe with the return of roaming charges for UK based networks meaning trips abroad could start to find some more expensive days and nights than had been hoped for - this change could hit some harder than others, those looking to explore remote working options with more details here about those who have found success will be amongst the first to have to experience larger changes. A question that has been asked since, however, is whether or not roaming charges will look to expand outwards, or if they'll remain contained within the UK?


The announcement


For most of Europe, free roaming continues to be in place but there are suggestions this may not always be the case, within the next couple of years there will be another vote on whether to extend this or whether it's time to scrap it, the clear hope for many will be that it's something that remains in place, but many carriers seem to be excited at the opportunity to scrap this as soon as possible, granted it is a big paycheck for those using their mobile devices whilst travelling.


For those who are already experiencing the change for roaming charges, the waters are becoming a bit muddied to exactly which provider has which rules in place, and whilst there are many sources that are outlining these changes as they become publicly available, these changes are being made so quickly it can be difficult to keep up - whilst the initial change was aimed short stays rather than a permanent living arrangement, there were ways to skirt the rules somewhat so many individuals enjoyed the comfort of home contracts whilst living abroad.


For those who had never experienced what it's like to have no roaming charges, it will continue to be business as usual as much of the rest of the world never saw the charges disappear and may find this some non-news, but for those who have been enjoying all of the benefits offered, it's a very big change, and not something that's going to be easy to swallow. For now it means there are only a few locations that still allow the ‘roam like at home', but the expectation that roaming charges will return as they once were is quickly approaching - whether or not a new solution will present itself is yet to be seen but there's certainly a space in the market for it, particularly when paying £5 per downloaded MB of data seems so obscene and outdated, particularly in todays world where data usage makes up such a large part of the day to day.

second-gen foldable smartphone


Many had expected Samsung to be the first to showcase with a phone with a foldable presentation. That really didn't exactly work out as an organization called Royole really beat Samsung to the market with the dispatch of the Royole Flexpai. It was not the most rich plan we've seen, yet it appears to be that the organization is putting forth another bold attempt.


This comes as the Royole Flexpai 2 which was really prodded back in March not long ago, yet apparently the organization missed its proposed Q2 dispatch and have just authoritatively revealed the handset today.


The Flexpai 2 keeps up a comparative idea to the first, where not at all like the Samsung Galaxy Fold, the foldable segment of the showcase is set outwardly, like the Huawei Mate X. As indicated by the organization, the new showcase has been intended to include a superior curve range and better presentation execution.


It is likewise supposed to be more tough where it will have less wrinkling down the middle where the twist is at. The handset will be controlled by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset and will include 8GB of RAM and 256GB for the base model, and 12GB of RAM and 512G of capacity for the better quality model.


The showcase of the phone is 7.8-inches when completely opened, or 5.5-inches when shut. There are quad cameras on the back alongside a lot of sound system speakers, and a 4,450mAh battery alongside 5G network. The Royole Flexpai 2 is valued beginning at $1,500, despite the fact that for the time being it is by all accounts restrictive to China.


tax on mobile phones


The Indian Government seems to be a little aggressive about the new tax schemes. Recently the Goods and Services Tax council of India decided to increase the tax rate by 6% over the existing 12% tax rate. The new tax rate of 18% will apply to anything related to the smartphone industry that also includes the components or parts of the smartphones.

The GST council of India is raising the taxation rate on mobile phones to meet the existing rate on raw material and components used in the manufacturing of the smartphone. India has already slapped on an 18% GST rate on raw materials used for manufacturing smartphones. The current tax rate on the final product was, however, 12%. This was leading to an inverted pyramid of the tax system. In a move to rationalize taxes, the council has increased taxes on mobile phones to match the 18% GST on components. Inevitably, this will lead to an increase in the cost and financial burden on the end consumer.

Manu Kumar, Xiamoi India MD has requested the Indian Government to reconsider this new tax update. According to his latest tweet, he has suggested that the industry is already struggling with depreciating INR and supply chain disruption due to covid-19. He further said that govt should at least consider exempting low-budget smartphones that used to cost under $200. The covid-19 had hugely impact the smartphone and many industries to in fact.

This new tax will further enforce more damage to one of the fastest-growing industries in India. In a memo to the GST council, the Indian Cellular and Electronics Association has raised the issue, but it remains to be seen whether any exemptions will be made to keep prices low, especially in the popular sub-Rs. 15,000 segment.

coming soon


YouMobile® Team is working hard on bringing you the best services to keep you updated, our unique exclusive Updates Tracking Systems are very successful that lets you know what / when you will get your next Android update will arrive.




After the huge success of the Samsung Updates Tracking Page and HTC Updates Tracking Page, we are launching Sony Updates Tracking Page and Nexus Updates Tracking Page. We will keep the track of Android updates of Xperia smartphones / tablets along with Google's Nexus smartphones / tablets too. We are also looking on adding more manufactures (LG, Huawei, Motorola... etc).




We are also working on our new AndFirmwares section that will include official Android firmwares from all other manufactures keeping YouFirmware exclusive to Samsung firmwares only.


nexus page


sony page


We also have improved our Android App with all many new features, Material Design and auto-sync notification and it's currently passed the 50K - 100K downloads on the Play store. Our main Goal is providing you with the best services possible.




You can know more About us Here, Thank you for your trust.


YouMobile® Team


YouMobile® team will be present at Techne Summit 2015 event at Alexandria,Egypt displaying our website update tracking services and the technology we are using, We also gonna announce our future plans on improving our website and services and what we have currently in-development. Make sure to visit our booth if you are in Egypt!


What is Techne Summit ?


Techne Summit is a two-day (24th - 25th) international technology event that will act as a platform including the main global players in the technology industry, namely: the top international industry professionals as technology businesses, entrepreneurs and startups, investors, featuring the Top Technology Speakers in the world, users and media representatives.




The event will present networking opportunities and open up possibilities for various business collaboration between parties, particularly those that pertain to grow in the Middle East and Africa region.


Techne Summit is an annual event that will kick off in October 2015 at the iconic Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria in Egypt.


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