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HTC A9 marshmallow


Faster updates ? You must be talking about Google Nexus devices... No, this time it's HTC, the Taiwanese company just announced a new flagship device, HTC One A9, with Android 6.0 Marshmallow Pre-installed, as you may know HTC sense 7.0 is the reason of delaying every update due to the development & integration process with every new Android version.


Well, HTC has officially announced through its USA twitter account that it will be speeding up this process which will make the HTC One A9 receive every Android update within 15 days of the Nexus line having received it. That's a very bold promise, and one that's unique in the Android world so far.

We hope that the company keeps its promise and do the same thing to all its future flagship devices.



Cyanogen CEO Kirt McMaster outlined a combative take about Google and its control over the Android operating system, and a defiant vision for Cyanogen to build an Android operating system without Google being in the picture.


McMaster started his talk with, "I'm the CEO of Cyanogen. We're attempting to take Android away from Google."


He further explained that Cyanogen is developing a version of Android which would be open at every level. Something that other developers and partners could utilize to create their own tightly integrated services. Think of stuff that would be able to compete with Google Now, and that paints a broad picture.


"We're making a version of Android that is more open so we can integrate with more partners so their servicers can be tier one services, so startups working on [artificial intelligence] or other problems don't get stuck having you have to launch a stupid little application that inevitably gets acquired by Google or Apple. These companies can thrive on non-Google Android," explained McMaster.


Is Cyanogen concerned that Google might not think too highly of this strategy? No because it sees its future as being Google-free. McMaster says Cyanogen will have its own app store in 18 months. Of course, there is nothing to stop Google from impeding Cyanogen's plans either.




We are not sure how Cyanogen intends to achieve this vision, given how dependent it currently is on Google and its services. Even open source projects need some center mass for an ecosystem to interconnect with and seek guidance from, the Android Open Source Project and Ubuntu are good examples of that.



The Samsung Galaxy S7 has been part a lot of leaks and the frequency is increasing as we approach the announcement at MWC 2016 event. Earlier, a full fledged specs sheet showed remarkable increment in battery capacity (3000mAh) in the Galaxy S7 in comparison to the previous version, which was 2,550mAh. And now, a very knowledgeable source, Eldar Murtazin has bolstered this claim by confirming that the S7 is, indeed, quite durable.

We don't know how Mr. Murtazin accessed this information, but as per him the next Samsung flagship device can deliver over 17 hours of continuous video playback, at highest brightness.

There is a tiny disclaimer: this looks like 17 hours of video playback with Samsung's own methodology for testing smartphones. Previously the Galaxy S6 got the rating of 13 hours and the Galaxy Note 5 bagged 15 hours of video playback. Taking these into consideration, a claim of 17+ hours playback is not something out of the world, especially when the battery power has increased. Other elements like more efficient Super AMOLED display tech, home-grown Exynos 8000-series processor, improved RAM and further optimized TouchWiz under Android 6.0 Marshmallow have played their part in this.

This might sound quite authentic, but we must wait for sometime as the release in February at MWC 2016 is nearing.



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