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Android Kitkat brought many storage problems and headache to the App developers, users complained about this many times and the only solution is to Root your phone to be able to transfer files from the Internal storage to the external storage (microSD cards). Google finally solved this problem with Lollipop.




Now with the release of the final version of Android 5.0 Lollipop, new APIs were added to allow apps to request full access to directories owned by other providers. These APIs have been improved to offer more capabilities than before, and they do it in a very user-friendly and secure way. You'll no longer have to Root your phone to access/modify your microSD data.


Here's what Google Developers said about lollipop shared storage devices:


Richer access to secondary shared storage devices
In KitKat we introduced APIs that let apps read/write file in app-specific directories on secondary storage devices, such as SD cards.
We heard loud and clear that developers wanted richer access beyond these directories, so in Lollipop we added the new ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent.
Apps can launch this intent to pick and return a directory from any supported DocumentProvider, including any of the shared storage supported by the device.
Apps can then create, update, and delete files and directories anywhere under the picked tree without any additional user interaction. Just like the other document intents, apps can persist this access across reboots.
This gives apps broad, powerful access to manage files while still involving the user in the initial selection process.
Users may choose to give your app access to a narrow directory like "My Vacation Photos," or they could pick the top-level of an entire SD card; the choice is theirs.






Microsoft Office 365 subscribers will receive unlimited OneDrive cloud storage going forward. OneDrive subscription plans that include the sweet cloud storage option kick off at $6.99 per month.


office 365


The new arrangement will begin rolling out to users with Home, Personal, and University accounts beginning today. OneDrive for Business customers will have to wait until 2015 to get the treatment. Unlimited cloud storage is bound to make the already capable Microsoft Office 365 an even more attractive proposition.





Lately, The Nokia brand has been phased out by calling the phones just "Lumia" and redirecting Nokia online properties to This rebranding effort will expand and soon the lineup will become "Microsoft Lumia".


Lumia is already the de facto face of Windows Phone it accounts for about 90% of the market. Microsoft has been busy signing up new vendors but they will struggle to gain significant market share as the big names have mostly neglected WP.



Windows 9


According to a Forbes report, Microsoft is about to launch a wearable device in the coming weeks. The gadget will reportedly hit the shelves in time for the holiday shopping season.


Microsoft's upcoming creation will focus on tracking physical activities that include steps, heart rate, and calories burned among others. Some smartwatch functionality is also expected, though it will not be the product's main highlight. Battery life of the wearable device is tipped to be in the ballpark of two days.



Nokia Here


Nokia HERE Maps is heading to Android, but can it compete with Google Maps ? Well, HERE marketing team showed us that its much better than Google Maps, Describing Google Maps offline mode is only "a glorified screenshot".


Google is an Internet company so offline mode was never much of a priority, while Nokia has been offering navigation software on its phones since less than 10 people had mobile Internet.


The video shows the Save for offline use feature of Google Maps and points out you can't plan new routes, hence the "screenshot" jab. Google Maps can at least reroute you while offline, which the video conveniently overlooks.



Demo [Video]

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