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A malware by its simplest definition, could be defined as a piece of code that has been specifically written to cause problems for anyone who downloads/installs it on their computer. It can be a fully developed software with malicious intents, or it could be a short program, written only to hijack/damage/disrupt a specific function on the infected computer.

Keep in mind that malware is a very broad classificatory term which can be divided into several different types of malicious codes, based on their primary goal, medium of infection and mode of operation. A virus is just one of those multiple different types of malware, and while it can very well be the most dangerous thing that your computer can catch, it isn't the only type of malware that you should be worried about.


Understand the Threats Which a Virus Can Bring to Your Computer

Before we discuss the various other potential threats, it is imperative that we first discuss the oldest and most common type of malware first, aka a virus. Depending on the kind of infection you have, its effects may vary, and the following would be the usual suspects.


• Boot Sector Virus - The boot sector virus Infiltrates, infects and corrupts the MBR via USB/optical drives
• Resident Virus - Resides in hardware memory and cannot be removed by removing the infected file alone; also spread via physical storage/drives
• Cavity Virus - An extremely hard to notice virus that installs itself in between the gaps in the data of an installed program
• Direct Action Virus - Similar to a resident virus, it installs itself onto the hardware memory, but cannot survive without the core file
• Overwrite Virus - The primary email virus just overwrites or deletes every file it infects, making the user lose valuable information
• Multipartite Virus - Simultaneously infects and corrupts the MBR, as well as the executables
• Polymorphic Virus - The signature will be different with every single replication of a polymorphic virus, making it difficult to identify and eliminate a polymorphic infection
• Macro virus - Infects a MS Word file most often, and replaces the original macro command's execution, without changing the input




What Else Can Your Computer Catch?


Depending on the kind of sites you visit, the type of business you are in and how well your computer is/isn't protected online and offline, you could be looking at any one or possibly multiple of the following malware infections which are not classified as viruses, but can be just as, if not even more dangerous than the average computer virus.

• Trojan horse - Steals information and acts like a beneficial software
• Worm - Corrupts and deletes everything it comes in contact with, including the critical OS files necessary to run the specific OS
• Spyware - Tracks and spies on your online and offline activities
• Malicious adware - Adware designed to show ads that lead to malicious pages
• Ransomware - hijacks your computer and asks for a ransom to let you gain access back to your own data
• Fileless malware - A fileless malware has no file of its own but infects and uses genuine, installed program files to execute malicious commands
• Rootkits - Rootkits act as a restrictive barrier which protects a virus from both discovery and elimination
• Keyloggers - A spyware that logs and sends out information regarding all your keypresses (passwords, credit card data, bank data, etc. could be stolen easily)
• Malware bots - Takes over the infected computers and every infected computer might act as a hive mind, forming a botnet



What about Phishing and Spear Phishing?

In order to land on a phishing page, the user must make one of the two following mistakes:

1. Type in the wrong URL

2. Click on a link from a non-verified source

It should be noted that while phishing is an extremely dangerous threat to your online safety on any unprotected computer, it cannot be categorized as a malware. Phishing and spear phishing attacks do not infect a computer, but leads the user to a malicious page designed to replicate a universally/personally trusted website. The objective of all phishing attempts is to steal sensitive and valuable data from the user, which may include but is not limited to:

  • Usernames and passwords used on the very site that the phishing page is replicating
  • Other usernames and passwords used on related/unrelated websites
  • Contact details and address information
  • Financial information such as asset records
  • One Time Passwords (OTP)
  • Bank account numbers
  • Other bank details
  • Debit/credit card numbers
  • CVC numbers
  • Social security numbers


To avoid such a mishap, always check the URL for spelling mistakes or any difference in the link's structure, as compared to the genuine link, before entering sensitive information. Also, never click on an unverified link. Spear phishing uses personal information that is extremely likely to be considered as relevant by the specific individual/organization targeted. The attacker will be using personal information to make you believe in the authenticity of their email/message, all in the hope of making you click on that phishing link. Even the page where you land could have sensitive information on it, that they have likely stolen by using a malware already.


Can We Truly Protect Our Computers and Personal/Financial Information from Online Threats?

The answer is yes, we can keep our computers and our personal data protected from online and even physical media related threats because the solution is quite straightforward. Get complete web protection from one of the top antimalware developers such as Norton, McAfee or Kaspersky and keep all your devices protected against malware and phishing attempts. Thanks to massive discount coupons easily available online, this can be more affordable than you think. Without the discounts though, total antimalware protection can become a bit costly to keep up with, especially if you have multiple devices, which most of us do.

In spite of how dangerous it might be for us to use the internet today, the top antivirus and overall antimalware software providers are more than capable of handling nearly every kind of cyber threat out there, including zero-day attacks. That being said, every now and then, a malware does come around which infiltrates the defenses of even enterprise grade antimalware programs. Such instances are pretty rare though and patches are developed almost immediately after a few initial infiltrations, which stops the spread quickly.

There is a popular myth that Macs are not susceptible to malware, so anyone who believes that is advised to check for information regarding the ThiefQuest ransomware to know better. Keep all your installed programs updated, including your antivirus software to stay protected at all times, irrespective of the OS. Don't forget to enable browser protection as well, which should come by default with any of the top antivirus software solutions to keep you safe from infected sites and phishing pages.

Finally, just in case you are still using a pirated version of Windows, or a genuine copy of now-defunct Windows XP, buy an original key and update your PC immediately. Most of the time, pirated Operating Systems come with their own embedded malware, and even the versions that do not, cannot be updated. What all this means is that if the OS itself is pirated; nothing can save a computer running a pirated OS from becoming infected.



Nowadays, Mobile phones or smartphones are not just used for calling or texting; rather, with the rise of the modern age, the smartphones have become "mini-computers." With the rapid advancement of technology and very innovative ideas, smartphones have become more comfortable to use than desktop computers.

As a result, it has cleared the paths to many industries, among them, being the industry that has taken the lead among the others is the mobile gaming industry. Mobile Casino UK is the perfect example of the said new trends. The mobile gaming industry is constantly increasing its users' engagement towards their applications in various platforms. In recent times, the desktop gaming industry is suffering from a lesser number of players and customers due to cut-throat competition with the mobile gaming industry.


But, not just that, the mobile gaming industry is ruthless, and in order to survive, it is most important to prioritize the game engines and graphics just as gameplay and storyline. So, in order to do so, you will need some tools to develop games, and below is the list of 4 best available software with which you can develop mobile games. Just have a look.


Game Maker: Studio 2




This tool or software is great for newbie developers who have very less ideas of how-to code. Therefore, its step by step tutorial makes it quite a user friendly. YoYo studios launched this developmental software for the creation of special 2D games. It comes with its own gaming language, which is very similar to C++, but it uses a drag-and-drop interface to create and develop games without going into complicated coding methods. However, if someone is interested in the creation of 3D games, this is where this software becomes complicated as it will require you to code and create a well-threaded storyline.




This tool or software used to design applications is launched by Ludei Corporation. It is best-suited for Application development and web games based on HTML5. This software produces games that are comparatively faster and highly stable. The project creation is fast due to the integrated process and easy to use interface. This software is unique from others as besides providing debugging tools to its users. It also allows the application development in platforms like Android, iOS, and so on.


Corona SDK




This software is designed to provide its users to develop 2D games faster than any other available software. It enables its users to use a wide variety of tools and features. It guides its users to build and develop applications much faster through its tutorials. No encryption is required to develop games, and a wide variety of prototypes are available to find issues and bugs within the games developed. Another unique feature enabled by this software is a built-in monetization of developing or developed games. And also, while developing games, you are free to choose the FRS ( Frame Rate per second) in general between 30 to 60.




This free to use software provides its users with tools and features which are used to develop event-based games or applications. This software is very easy to use as it does not require any knowledge of programming or coding for developing applications and games. This software is very intuitive, and there is no need to spend hours on developing games. It provides a very natural flow to the user. This software is developed by the Click Team. However, it can also be used to develop 2D games, but it is more suitable to develop event-based games under the static camera.


Now, there are tons of other options of software and application that you can decide to choose from the available options. For example, if you know coding and programming languages, then you can choose Unity or Unreal Engine and so on. This list is like the needle in a haystack situation, therefore it's entirely up to you, which software you find the best suitable for yourself. You are free to choose the applications based on the criterion of budget, tools, user interface, knowledge of coding, programming languages, experience, and so on.


Since the ability to spy on Android devices, many applications have come and go. Others have emerged and took over the industry. It takes good conduct and powerful mechanisms to remain relevant in this industry.

Here, we have the six best free spy apps for Android that are undetectable all through. These apps have made it possible for many people to believe in remote spying. You don't need all the rigorous techniques to use them, and that's why even amateurs are welcome.

Keep reading to see the future of spying in Android devices. In most of the solutions we are going to discuss, they are also applicable in the Apple world.

Part 1: Spyier Undetectable Android Spying Application

First, we have the Spyier Android spying tool that can spy on any device without any detection. That is possible through the stealth mode feature that enables it to hide its icon. That way, it works in the targeted phone's background as it fetches everything you need.

Talking of everything, Spyier has over 35 features you can use to explore the victim's Android phone or tablet. You don't need any rooting to use any of them. A one-time simple installation is enough on the targeted phone to make it work.

Later, it will get you all the calls, contacts, messages, location, browsing history, and more. You should check out the main website to read the full features list. How Spyier works have resulted in millions of downloads in more than 190 countries.

Others have read about it on major news outlets such as Tech Radar and iGeeksBlog. You can also read this post to get free spy app for Android undetectable from Spyier. After the installation, you get the target's results in your online account.

It's the first thing you will have to create before getting to the installation process. If you are worried about time consumption, it will only take you five minutes to start using Spyier. After that, the updates will be trickling into your account in real-time.

The features are presented on a dashboard that works with all browsers. That means you can use any smartphone, tablet, or computer to view the account. The only limitation you will be facing is the internet connection.

There is also the issue of data security. Spyier makes sure of this by not storing anything in its cloud. That way, any unauthorized access will not bear any fruits. So, it's one of the few apps that make sure you are the only one viewing your targeted phone's results.

How to Spy on Android Undetectably Using Spyier

Step 1: Make sure the Android you are spying has OS version 4.0 and above. After that, visit the Spyier website and sign up for an account. Next, select the Android icon and go ahead to pay for a plan that suits your objectives.

Step 2: You will later receive a confirmation email with everything you need to get started. Once you see it, use the sent link in the email to install Spyier on the targeted phone. Make sure you activate the stealth mode to hide its icon before finishing the installation.

Step 3: Once you finish installing, login to your account remotely to view the results. You will see the dashboard after the syncing completes.

To spy on the phone, click on the links you see on the left part.

Part 2: Minspy Undetectable Android Spying App

Another application that your target will never notice is the Minspy solution. It has the stealth mode that helps it to hide while spying on the Android. It works with Android 4.0 and above, and you don't need to root the device.

Minspy needs you to install it once on the culprit's Android before getting the results remotely. After that, you are free to log in anywhere as long as you have an updated browser connected to the internet.

It will show you all the vital details such as messages, calls, social media activities, and media files. You can visit the main website to see all the features and what they can do.

Part 3: Spyine Undetectable Android Spying App

Spyine works with Android 4.0 and above, and it's also undetectable. It needs a one-time installation on the victim's phone without any rooting tricks. After that, you can enjoy remote access using any internet-enabled device.

Some of its intuitive features include contacts, SMSs, installed applications, and SIM Card details. It's so undetectable such that you can uninstall it without the user's knowledge.

Part 4: Spy on Android Undetectably Using Spyic

Millions of people have also used Spyic to spy on Androids without being seen. Again, it's the power of the stealth mode feature that has helped the users to remain invisible. Also, it does not require any rooting techniques.

That means using Spyic will leave the targeted phone just like the way it was. For you, the results will be in your online account. They will include calls, location, social media, photos, and videos.

It's possible to view the results anywhere you are if you are connected to the internet. The control panel here works with all browsers.

Part 5: Spy on Android Undetectably Using Neatspy

Neatspy will also never tell when you use it on any Android target. It will work on Android 4.0 and above without the rooting. That is why it's gaining popularity as the days go by. You only require to install it once on the culprit's phone and activate the stealth mode.

In your online account, that is where you get all the information from the saved contacts to the installed applications. Since the dashboard is compatible with all browsers, you only need an internet connection to access the results.

Part 6: Spy on Android Undetectably Using ClickFree

Lastly, we have the ClickFree solution that also goes undetected after installing it once on an Android. You can deploy it on OS version 4.0 and above, and it's another solution that disregards rooting.

The spied data will always be in your online account. It will include the calls, browsing history, calendar notes, and keylogger reports. With a panel that fully works with all browsers, you can log in using any internet-enabled device.


You can spy on a wide variety of Android apps if you any of our six recommendations. You can start with Spyier to see how it goes. After that, we know that you will have an app that you will always depend on for spying purposes.

We are endorsing all since they are 100% undetectable. You can hide the apps, and they also don't need rooting. So, there is nothing that will alert the target of their presence.





VideoProc is a video editing and transfiguration software for numerous people who desire a simple, standard, easy and fast equipment. It can be utilizing to post-procedure and diminish the file size of video shots, heedlessly of whether it was taken on a mobile gadget, camera, or even an action camera like GoPro. 

VideoProc is plugged as a simple-to-utilize while you require to rapidly and convert GoPro shot into a set-up that its media player will exactly identify and read. Particularly, it is best for every user who has to manage 4K video gratified files ever since they naturally need much technically rigorous software to convert and editing because of their bigger size.

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Are you confused about which video editing tool to go with?

There is certain freeware equipment accessible in the marketplace, but they offer only narrow functionality for editing your videos. However, it turns into too complex, particularly for fresher to process and editing the videos utilizing that equipment. Let us rid out you're anxious and introduce you to exceptional video editing that is too lightweight, simple to function, a robust video editing effectiveness. Well! In this article, we will discuss VideoProc software, a user-friendly, one-stop video editing way out for you to opt with no issues. 

If you are searching for a 4k video convertor or a 4k video editor, VideoProc is a decisive key. It is all-inclusive video editing software utilizing that you may easily and rapidly edit, resize and adjust big 4k videos, DVDs, and audios. With the robust GPU acceleration, it greatly lets you access videos as a whole accelerated fast with no cooperation with excellence.   

What are the exclusive features of VideoProc?

The first ladder you will require to take is to install VideoProc to your all your devices. Whether it may be Mac or Windows PC, utilizing a PC over minor gadgets to download the software will provide your super enactment and usability because of the big display that PC gives over minor gadgets like Tablets or smartphones. Many people highly consider this software as a desktop video editor. 

It is prevailing still simple to utilize video process and installing software that may be utilized even by beginners in the sector. The software has obtained a pocket-friendly interface, enabling you to edit, merge videos together, and compress 4k large videos. Users have the benefit of installing VideoProc from its home page.

With this software, you can accomplish much with 4k video layouts and even convert large video, cheers to its peculiar protune settings. Fascinatingly, it can simply transform and format even high-speed videos that have been pot-shot at the rapidity of up to 240 FPS. With this astonishing video-process software, you can merely convert 4k videos that you love and circumvent problems like unanticipated cracks and pauses.

There are multiple other outstanding fundamental aspects of video-editing software that VideoProc emanates with that comprise cut, adjust transcode, trim, merger video, add subtitles, fix fisheyes, remove noise, extract music from video and also editing 4k videos with full GPU hardware acceleration, and more. The 4k videos that you can wish to access VideoProc can be from multiple gadgets comprising iPhone or even online sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Get VideoProc for Free

As the desktop video editor, VideoProc has much advantages compared with some freeware or online video editor. Here the developer compare online video merger with VideoProc, and offer us license code for the free use. This offer is time limited. Download VideoProc with Free License now.


In this YouTube Video, you can know how easy it is to process and edit 4K videos with VideoProc:




Introducing Wondershare FamiSafe:


With the advancement of the modern digital world, everyone started to use the Smartphone for accessing data, entertainment, and more. In fact, parents have been rising the new generation of kids with a broad mind on technology. Even Toddlers and teens have been using the Smartphone and Tablets for communicating. Almost all the schools have been integrated with technology such as computers and Tablets in the academic curriculum. With adequate use of internet facilities, there is also a bigger chance of cyberbullying. It is our duty to keep our children safe from cyberbullying. According to research, 1/5 of children have been experiencing cyberbullying. To ensure the safety of your children and data protection, choosing the FamiSafe is one of the best decisions. FamiSafe is the most reliable Android parental control app and iPhone parental control app. Wondershare FamiSafe lets the parents control screen time, detect any kind of inappropriate content, and tracking the real-time location.


Main Features To Control Kids' iOS Or Android Devices:




FamilSafe is the ultimate parental control app suitable for ensuring that your children use their Smartphones and tablets safely. With the parent's supervision, it is a much safer option for the kids to surfing the internet, apps, or even go to any location. FamiSafe Parental Control App is one of the best weapons for controlling the kids in a more efficient way. Below are the lists of features in this ultimate parental controls app.




  • App Blocker - FamiSafe Parental Control App gives you a better option for blocking the app on smartphones of your kids. When you run the blocked app, you would be immediately notified. 

  • Blocking And Filtering Of Web Content - FamiSafe parental control allows you to safeguard and block the website manually easily.  The app is helpful for keeping the large database of the website in harmful content. 

  • Detection On Youtube Content - YouTube is uploaded with more than 500 hours of fresh videos. There is more chance that kids could view inappropriate videos. With the use of parental control iPad, it is a more significant option for checking whether your kid checks, subscribed, or even searched for the inappropriate videos.

  • Monitor Kid's Whereabouts - FamiSafe Parental Control App gives you a better aspect of marking the geofences as safer zones. When your children enter into the geofences, then you will get the notification. Geofences feature is one of the most ultimate options for the parents. 

  • Track risky messages

  • View the Smartphone search history, as well as posts
  • Send instant alerts when potential issues are detected

  • Monitor more than 7 main social media platforms

  • Add self-defined suspicious keywords.

  • Location Tracking - FamiSafe Parental Control App allows you to easily track the kids with the location tracker feature on the app. This is the most amazing and suitable option for getting a real-time location.

  • Smart Schedule - This android parental control allows the parents to control his/her entire device that also includes the schedules. Pre-set the blocking schedules on the device like past bedtimes, during school or any other aspects

  • Suspicious Photos - The parental control android allows you to easily detect the porn images on your kids' phone galleries if there is any. 
  • Mange Up To 30 Devices - Keep an eye on the kids' online activities in about 30 devices, but this varies according to the package you choose. 

How To Use The FamiSafe App?




FamiSafe is the Trustworthy and best parental control app for Android and iOS. When your kids are using Smartphone and tablets, then it is quite important to ensure their safety for cyberbullying. This ios parental control allows you to easily get the activity report, browser history report as well as app usage report. These app blocking feature and report allows the safety and security of the kids. Installing and registering the FamiSafe parental control is quite a simple option on Android and iOS.

  • Register - Start to Register the FamiSafe account on the FamiSafe website. You can also register on the FamiSafe app on Google Play and App Store.

  • Install - Install FamiSafe App on both the Kid's device and parent's device 
  • Connect - Connect to FamiSafe for managing the devices using FamiSafe dashboard

What Are The Price Plans Available?


FamiSafe app allows you to easily choose the right plan suitable for you for creating the FamiSafe account. The Nintendo Switch parental controls give you the better option for easily start parenting in a more secure way. You can simply download the "FamiSafe" parental control apps on the Google Play store and App Store. Below are the plans and packages you could opt for: 


  • MONTHLY Plan:


  • Price - $9.99 /month

  • Connect up to 5 devices per account

  • ANNUAL Plan:

  • Price - $4.99/month

  • Billed annually at $59.99

  • Connect up to 30 devices per account


  • Price - $6.66 /month

  • Billed quarterly at $19.99

  • Connect up to 10 devices per account


Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual are 3 types of subscription. Users can also choose from default auto-renewal on all subscriptions. You would be charged automatically with the same amount. You can also stop the automatic renewal option anytime.






The Internet is so vast, and it is quite impossible to live without assessing the information faster. Kids have been looking for a faster way of assessing the information for their academic purposes. However, it is the duty of the parents to control the internet activity of the children for avoiding cyberbullying on their children, data breach, and more. FamiSafe lets you simply enable prominent app blocking, geolocation, web monitoring, and more. Safeguard your kids with FamiSafe.


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