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For a lot of people Windows 10 sounds like the a dream come true. The net installment of the popular OS promises universal apps across all hardware platforms and versions and perhaps even more exciting compatibility with every Windows Phone 8 handset out there.


Things looked even better after the US tech giant announced its plans to captivate the Chinese market by offering legal upgrades to both genuine and non-genuine Windows installs. Another piece of the Windows 10 puzzle has surfaces today, courtesy of a leaked China presentation and it could potentially show a slightly darker aspect of the upcoming OS.


win 10


The information has to do with "Secure Boot" the feature that once enabled, prevents unauthorized installation of other operating systems on the device. It has been around for quite some time, but, unlike with previous Windows versions, where Microsoft has allowed and in some cases even required OEM's to make the setting user-adjustable, Windows 10 will be a lot stricter on the matter.


With the new OS, Microsoft will no longer prevent OEM's from permanently enabling "Secure Boot" on their personal computers, which could potentially mean that a lot of new laptops and even some OEM desktop builds might not allow users to install anything but the Windows 10, supplied by the manufacturer. This, of course means no dual booting, no Linux, no Hackintosh, basically no actual freedom to exploit the hardware you own and have paid for.


And while the decision of whether or not to lock "Secure Boot" on a PC is entirely up to OEM's and could shift either way, things are really looking bad for Windows 10 on mobile devices. Microsoft will reportedly mandate all manufacturers, producing Windows powered phones, tablets and similar mobile tech to have "Fast Boot" permanently enabled. This could be a major hindrance to the software modding and developer community and once again, kind of locks you out from the hardware you legally own.



spartan web browser


Surprisingly, The upcoming most-needed Project Spartan web browser by Microsoft will support Extensions, in the same way as Google Chrome. The development team behind Project Spartan has confirmed the news on Twitter.


Extensions will arrive to Project Spartan via a future update. Details on the nifty feature are yet to be revealed. Reportedly, Microsoft is reviewing options that will allow developers of Chrome extensions to port their creations to Spartan with no hassles. Such a move will help Microsoft quickly build a significant catalogue of extensions for its newly announced offspring.


spartan web browser


Project Spartan is arguably as significant an announcement as Windows 10 itself. The browser will be part of the latest OS by Microsoft for both mobile and desktop devices.


Source [Twitter]

Windows 10

Microsoft has today released the January update for Windows 10 Technical Preview. This can now be downloaded from the dedicated site, and you can even get an ISO file if you so wish. The January build comes with many new features, and probably the most important new things inside of it are Cortana and the new Xbox app.


While the latter doesn't yet support streaming games from an Xbox One to a PC, it does let you view friends activity, post to timeline, and view game DVR videos. And there's an important caveat to note about Microsoft's personal assistant, namely that it's currently available in US English only. As you may expect, it does sync to Windows Phone.


Windows 10


The new Action Center has replaced the Charms bar, and it houses notifications, quick action keys, and settings. The People, Outlook, Photos, and Maps apps have been updated. A new "smart snap" mode is in, which shows you a list of running apps when you snap another app, assuming that you'd want to snap an additional one after that.


Windows 10


Continuum lets you switch between tablet and PC mode with one click/tap. For the Surface Pro 3, the switch should automatically be employed when you attach or remove its keyboard.


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Windows 10


Microsoft decided to skip the number 9 entirely and name Windows 10 as the successor to Windows 8.1. The new OS version will unsurprisingly come with the features that have been rumored for the next Windows iteration over the past few months.


On the PC side, Windows 10 seems to be all about convincing those who are still sticking with Windows 7 to finally upgrade.


Windows 10


So the Start Menu is back, though with a distinct "Metro" vibe. It has tiles and icons that are a blend of classic and new universal apps. Tiles can be re-sized. The new Search feature in the Start Menu pulls results from the Web as well as local content.


Windows 10


Users of Windows with mice and keyboards are finally taken seriously again, with the dual-environment feel of Windows 8 now totally gone. Modern (metro) apps can run in windowed mode. Hence, Snap View now works with both types of apps, and it's even been expanded to allow for a maximum of four apps to be on the screen at the same time.



Windows 10 demo [Video]



Microsoft has increased the amount of free space you get if you use OneDrive on your phone. Previously the free space used to be 15GB but now you'll get 30GB instead.


To get the additional space, you will have to install the OneDrive application, if you haven't already, and enable camera uploads, which will automatically upload the photos taken by your phone to OneDrive. This works on iOS, Android, and of course Windows Phone.




It must be noted that the space is split between 15GB for the main account and 15GB just for camera uploads, so it's not a unified space accessible for everything. Also, the offer is valid till the end of September but is available to new and existing OneDrive users. So if you use OneDrive with camera upload, you should see the additional space.




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