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Google has decided to suspend its license to Android operating system to Huawei. Trump administration's action has started to impact Chinese smartphone makers Huawei already. Google has decided to stop licensing its Android OS to Chinese Telecommunication Company, in order to comply with U.S trade blacklist rules. The company however can continue to use open-source version of Android but won't be able to get the security and OS updates, along with usage restrictions on Google's apps like Gmail, Play store etc.

The move will have significant effect on millions of Huawei users and the company's global ambitions. Android operating system powers more than 80% of the world's smartphones. Huawei said they will continue to support existing customers. But if this problem isn't solved, the device will not have access to new version of Android OS called Q. "The revocation of its Android license will mean that it won't be able to provide core Google services to its smartphones," Richardson said.

"The current devices will continue to support Google services and Google updates," Francisco Jeronimo, associate vice president for European devices at IDC, told CNBC by telephone. "I think it's more of a long-term impact than very short term." In China, the story is a different. Consumers there have a limited version of the OS which doesn't come with the pre-installed Google's app like Gmail etc. For Chinese consumers, the impact is almost NILL. Many people suggest that U.S and China will reach a trade deal, and Google will resume its licensing to Huawei. In that case, things will come back to normal. However, if it is a long-term impact, the sales of Huawei will drop as well as its resale value. There won't be any consumers outside the Chinese if this situation continues.



US Department of Commerce provided a temporary license to Huawei for three months. Now the Chinese company will be able to keep sending software updates to its consumers for next three months after receiving a temporary license from the US commerce department. The existing license is due to expire on August 19th. The temporary license, effective from today, allows Huawei to take necessary actions to provide service and support, or software updates, security patches to its existing Huawei handsets that people are already using before May 16, 2019. The license will also allow Huawei to receive any security patches or maintain network equipment.

Last week, the Trump administration declared a national emergency to deal with Chinese technologies growth. This allowed the Secretary of Commerce to block all transactions with China considering it as a national security risk. Soon after the Trump administration blacklist Huawei, Google announced its cut-off with the company as it would be illegal for any company to work with the Chinese telecom giant without written permission from the U.S govt.

Google has announced that it would no long provide Android services for Huawei, although it is said that the company can continue to use the open source version of the OS. The Chinese market wouldn't have a great impact as they are already using the limited version of OS. This move, however, will have negative impact on Huawei's international sales numbers. The temporary general license will allow the company and the department to take the required actions for the customers in America and worldwide who are currently using Huawei devices. After this act, people are assuming that Chinese Govt. will surrender to Trump trade deal with China but only time will tell as the rumors suggest that Huawei has already start working on its own Operating system.

Council Post: Why Catering To Mobile Users Is Vital For Today's ...

During the past few years, the Internet has changed significantly. Many of those changes have to do with the fact that people are now accessing the Internet using other devices. When people are away from the computer, they can browse the Internet on a smartphone or tablet. The number of people browsing the web on a mobile device has climbed progressively higher and this trend is likely to continue.

It is increasingly important for webmasters to ensure that their sites are mobile-friendly. Below, readers will learn more about the importance of mobile-friendliness.

How It Works

First and foremost, it is smart to learn a little more about mobile-friendly sites. What makes them different from the competition? When visiting a website on a smartphone, you have to understand that the screen is going to be significantly smaller. Furthermore, the user will need to tap the screen. They'll use their fingers to control the web browser.

Therefore, the experience will be much different than what you're used to on a computer. If the website is not designed correctly, the mobile user may have difficulty using the website in question.

Aspects Of Mobile-Friendly Sites

What makes a website mobile friendly? If you visit a website on a smartphone, you expect that website to fit the screen. You shouldn't have to slide back and forth to read the content. Instead, the website should shrink to match your device's screen. Simultaneously, it is important to make sure that the website is easy to use with two fingers. The user should be able to effortlessly navigate the website.

A mobile-friendly website will make a big difference for the user since they'll be able to access and use the site easily.

Search Engine Importance

Running the best online casino Singapore has to offer will be difficult. You'll want to rely on search engine optimization to increase your site's traffic. This will ensure that people can learn about your casino website by using Google, Bing, and other search engines. With this in mind, you should understand that search engines place significant importance on mobile-friendliness. If the website is not designed for mobile devices, Google will notice.

And, they may punish the website. This means that you'll have a much harder time getting organic traffic to your website. To solve this problem, you should build a website that is going to work well on all devices. Do so and you'll have a lot more success with Google.

Longer Visits

If you want visitors to stay on your website for a longer time, you need to make sure that it works flawlessly. If it doesn't, they're going to have a lot of problems and they'll go elsewhere. This is why you must make your website work well on a smartphone. If you do, you can rest assured knowing that your users will not experience any problems. They'll be able to use the website easily.

They'll stick around long and take advantage of the content the site offers. If you're selling products or services, this will increase the likelihood that you're going to seal the deal.

Making The Sale

At the end of the day, you want to increase your profits. With a website, you'll be able to do that. However, you must make sure that your website is going to work well for your customers. Many of your customers will access your website using a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. Therefore, you need to make sure that your website works great on these devices.

If you don't, your users may not be able to purchase the items you're selling. Fix this problem and your customers won't have any issues buying your products or services. This will ensure that they'll stick around much longer and purchase what you're selling.

Don't Neglect It

At the end of the day, you cannot neglect search engine optimization. However, you'll never succeed with SEO unless your website works well on all devices. You cannot ignore smartphones since more and more consumers are accessing the Internet using their iPhones and Android phones. Therefore, you'll want to put in a lot of effort to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly.

Do so and you can guarantee that your website will work better for you, your customers, and your company!

galaxy s6


A company called ecoATM recently conducted a survey of 1,050 Apple iPhone owners age 18 or older.


This survey revealed that most of the respondents are very loyal to their current iPhone. When asked what new feature would make them switch from their current handset to the Samsung Galaxy S6, 26% said that nothing could get them to swap their current handset for the new S6 flagship. 32% said that a lower price point for the Galaxy S6 could entice them to switch.


What would it take for an Apple iPhone owner to switch to a Samsung phone?

According to the same survey, 24% would do it if it were a free swap, and 16% would make the trade if the Samsung handset was offered to them at a lower price point. Outside of pricing, 21% would swap their iPhone for a Samsung branded smartphone based on the latter having a longer battery life. 18% would do it for a larger screen-size and 3% would make the change if they saw a celebrity using a Samsung phone. By the way, 16% of iPhone users surveyed said that they would never exchange their iPhone for another smartphone under any condition.


S6 iphone users


So what is it that prevents iPhone users from switching to a new phone?

A quarter of the respondents with an iPhone said that the fact that their friends and family have one is a reason not to switch. 21% cite the better features on the device as the reason why they stay with it, while 19% say they exclusively use Apple products.





On its latest flagship device, Galaxy S6, Samsung has ditched the microSD card slot for good. Depending on a faster internal storage for all Android and User files. The Korean giant will release 3 variants with different storage sizes (32GB - 64GB - 128GB). So...


How much storage available on a 32GB Galaxy S6 ?


Well, it's only about 23GB available for the user data after. The system-reserved storage is 6.5GB, with an extra 2GB reserved under the "Used space" heading. This means 9GB of storage is taken up the moment you open the box. You can disable apps, but not uninstall them.


The 64GB model will have around 54GB available for the user and finally, the 128GB will have 118GB available for the user. Your Choice!


online pokies


If you are trying to connect to Disney+ and getting the "Unable to connect" error, you are not alone. Disney doesn't need any introduction when it comes to the entertainment industry. It has been involved in creating movies, cartoon shows, music, and video games since 1923. But since the era of the internet has started - all of those media monsters have grew to a much larger scale. The internet offered many alternatives to physical businesses. For example, movies that were seen only in theaters or at special luxurious parties, are now available one click away at the comfort of your home. We can see the same changes in the stock markets, banks and online casinos.


If in the past, you had to go to a city like Las Vegas to enjoy a great slots game and after that to see a new release at the theaters - now the situation has totally changed. Today, you can play online pokies no matter where you are. This gave a lot of users comfort and convenience since not everyone likes the idea of having to take a trip to do a simple thing like playing slots at a casino or even going to the theaters. Disney understood that this is where the world goes and decided to take a step. Although, they didn't expect that such an error to come up - even if it's coming from a good thing for Disney - too much traffic. 


Disney referred ‘Disney Plus' as the future of the company, and after years of wait, it was finally released early on Tuesday. Users can watch blockbusters created by entertainment's big names such as Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, and Disney only at $7 a month or $70 a year. The streaming service library has over 500 movies and 7,500 episodes of original shows. The cost for Disney Plus is even cheaper than Netflix's lowest tier of the service that costs around $9 a month.

Disney plus launch was initially tested in the Netherlands and was officially launched in the US, Canada, and the Netherlands this week. The testing done in the Netherland went successful and without any issues. But at the launch day, many users experience various errors including the error 41, 42, 76, 83, and more general user logged in error.


As the day started and a huge wave of users tried to connect and logged in the Disney plus simultaneously, an "unable to connect to Disney+" message appeared and stopped users from logging in. Disney+ responded to the consumer's messages on Twitter with the following tweet: "The consumer demand for Disney Plus has exceeded our high expectations. We are working to quickly resolve the current user issue. We appreciate your patience."


According to the reports, almost 10 million people signed up for Disney plus on the first day of its launch whereas it took three years for HBO to reach 5 million users. With millions of people trying to connect to Disney plus at the same time, caused the server to have some streaming traffic-related issues.

So how do you solve sign in or other errors like 41 and 76, that refrain you from watching your favorite show on Disney plus?

If you can't log in, close the app, then try to log back in some time. Also, check your router and internet connection in case that's the problem. If you are trying to access Disney Plus from the country that currently doesn't have it, using a VPN won't help either. While being in the US, you can call the customer service number or can contact the Disney Plus Help on Twitter. If you can't find the app for Disney plus, try different versions such as Disney plus, Disney+, or Disney as different app stores save the app under different names.

The top technical support team at Disney Plus is working 24x7 to ensure an uninterrupted streaming service to its subscribers. The complaints already appeared to decline with time. Disney stated in a statement: "We are pleased by this incredible response and are working to quickly resolve the current user issue. We appreciate your patience,"

Since, Disney and its team working hard to make the streaming service a success, we can expect high-quality uninterrupted service without any errors.



Razer is known for manufacturing gaming hardware and recently it just admitted a big mistake. The company has confirmed that it has accidentally exposed its customer\'s information to the internet. The incident was first discovered by a research analyst Bob Diachenko, who keeps a keen eye on mobile and software security. He came across an improperly configured database containing data related to thousands of users of Razer\'s online store.


The database contains personal information that needs to be hidden and secured such as using real names, email IDs, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and more. This leaked data however doesn\'t contain any payment-related information that could be used for financial scams. According to the security expert, the cluster was available online in the public domain for almost a month and probably indexed by major search engines as well.


He first alerted Razer to the configuration error in mid-August, but the issue remained unattended for several weeks, despite correspondence with various members of the firm\'s support team. The company released an official statement, and says, \"The server misconfiguration has been fixed, before the lapse being made public.


\"We would like to thank you, sincerely apologize for the lapse, and have taken all necessary steps to fix the issue as well as to conduct a thorough review of our IT security systems. We remain committed to insuring [sic] the digital safety and security of all our customers.\"


To safeguard customers against stuffing attacks, the company has advised its customers to change their Razer credentials, as well as password for any other account they were using with the same information. The data stored in an unsecured database could also be used to trigger spear-phishing attacks, so Razer customers should avoid clicking or opening attachments from unknown sources or emails, they suspect as fraudulent.




HTC surprised its users by shutting down its Sense TV services, HTC One M8 users have noticed that the Sense TV app which is a smart TV remote using the built-in IR blaster, has started notifying them that the service has shut down and they have to install Peel App from the play store.




The move isn't surprising given that HTC's shipping a regular Peel remote app instead of Sense TV on its latest One M9. However we now have confirmation from HTC that the move away from Sense TV is taking place, and that it'll affect Android owners as well as its most recent Windows device. Peel will import all the settings needed from Sense TV App.




HTC has confirmed that the shutdown will affect the Android and Windows versions of Sense TV, and that when the app closes up shop it'll point users in the direction of the Peel app, whether they're on Android or Windows. Just to let you know, Sense TV was essentially just a branded version of Peel anyway, the core experience shouldn't change too much, and HTC owners will be kept updated through Play Store updates whether they're using Peel on an M7, M8 or M9.


Ever since the Note 7 disaster, reports and surveys have been rampant, as well as conflicting. Just the other day, we were hearing about IDC's report which stated that roughly half of the Note 7 owners may switch over to the fruity side (read Apple iPhone 7), while today, we have a report from ReportLinker that says otherwise.

This particular survey was conducted on 500 smartphone users in the US, over the internet. While a majority of the customers (60% approx.) felt that Samsung did not handle the Note 7 recall episode well enough, about 86% of the survey population stated that they would still consider Samsung smartphones the next time they decide to buy a new phone.

In fact, 84% of the people voted that they do not feel that their smartphone poses any kind of risk to them. Provided that Samsung manages to deliver a product that we had come to expect from the company before the Note 7, the Galaxy S8 seems all ready to lift Samsung up and out of the ditch which the Note 7 landed it in.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

A rare and somewhat weird problem has begun to surface with the Galaxy A3 (2016), post the Android 7.0 Nougat update. Apparently, a large number of Galaxy A3 (2016) users are finding it impossible to get their device to take charge once the battery reaches 87% or so. Although the cause for this issue remains unknown, one thing which can be said for sure is the fact that this issue appeared only after Samsung updated the device to Android 7.0 Nougat.

The usual tricks as instructed by the Samsung care executives did not work either. Apparently, clearing the cache or even factory data resets are ineffective for some reason and that's a worrying fact if you own the handset. You can try charging the handset in Safe Mode, but that did not work either, as reported by many users. We are hopeful that Samsung will address the issue soon by releasing an OTA patch, but it remains to be seen when that happens. Stay tuned to YouMobile for more information on the subject.

Source: SamMobile

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

When it comes to security of the Nexus devices. Google is practically living a nightmare. The most recent bug in that Google needs to fix is consumer-facing and exploitable without any geeky tricks. It seems the Nexus devices are vulnerable to an exploit that lets users bypass factory reset protection.

For the uninitiated - factory reset protection has been kept in place to help you to keep your device password protected in case someone tries to reset the factory settings. It is supposed to render the phone practically unusable without the password, but a work around has emerged that does the job by pressing series of buttons. Check out the video given below to see the exploit:

Google pushed a security patch that covered the fix for this issue, but RootJunky - the first person to report the bug - has come up with yet another video that shows vulnerability of the device in spite of the patch released in January.

Although it has become more difficult to exploit the loophole, it is still achievable.This essentially sends out a message that the development and quality testing are done thoroughly. Google might take more time to provide fix for this bug, as they would like to get it right in the next release.


Google has released a free Motion Stills app that allows any Android phone with a built-in gyroscope that runs Android 5.1 or higher access to the latest augmented reality technology. Google's latest app was built with editing videos and GIFS in mind. It allows the user to capture short videos and change them into stunning cinemagraphs or sweeping cinematic pans using their advanced rendering and stabilization technology. Now you can combine AR stickers and clips into movies or create looping GIFS that you can easily share with your friends.

Not Just For Pixel 2

Google Pixel 2 owners have already been enjoying adding a host of fun AR stickers, including R2-D2 and Stranger Things characters, into the real world using the device's built-in ARCore technology. Pixel 2 owners with the Android Oreo 8.1 update received early access to Google's library of AR stickers since December last year.

This is no longer an exclusive club of AR aficionados as Google's Motion Still app is opening the market by making it easier to access. The latest version of the Motion Stills app brings all the fun of these AR stickers to a decent cross section of Android devices, making it easy for anyone to insert 3D objects into the surroundings before recording.

Motion Still Features

With Motion Still, you can:

        Use the AR mode to add fun characters to your surroundings.

        Create a short, 3 second clip with a simple tap of your screen.

        Condense up to a minute of video into a short clip by using the Fast Forward mode.

        Combine clips to create movies with a simple swipe to the right.

        Share your Motion Stills as short videos or cool looping GIF's directly with your friends.

The AR functionality is by far the most appealing feature of the app. Using this function you can stick an animated 3D object on any surface, even if it is moving. You can then record a video or GIF of the animated character's actions in the real world and share your Motion Stills clip directly with your friends. Sounds pretty awesome!

How Does the App Work?

You can get into the finer technical details of the app on Google Research's blog but the short explanation is that the app will track your phone's 3D rotation and location in relation to the ground or any flat surface that is in view. With this data, it is able to insert a 3D object into your real world surroundings and will scale up and down proportionally as you move closer or further from the AR character. This could be implemented in many ways and would also making playing at River Belle casino and any other gaming site so much more interactive.

Accessing AR Technology is Becoming Easier

Google is paving the way in terms of making the wonders of augmented reality technology more accessible to a wider audience. You'll probably have noticed that some of the best and most recent apps in the augmented reality category are confined almost exclusively to more advanced phones that run the latest operating software. So it's a great thing that Google is trying to grow the market by making these AR features available on any Android device that runs Android 5.1 or higher. Of course, the hope is that these new users will enjoy the taste of AR so much that they'll be more inclined to upgrade to the Pixel 2 which comes standard with the more advanced ARCore tech.

Android Lollipop is now on over 300 million android users, before the Marshmallow arrives in the near future. Google's not-quite-current operating system now accounts for 23.5 percent of active Android users, a healthy 2.5-point boost from what you saw just one month ago.

Currently, there are about 30% still on Jelly Bean, and about 38% KitKat, but it's clear that all those new devices and upgrades are starting to add up. The real question is whether or not that momentum will last.

Marshmallow is arriving relatively quickly, and shouldn't suffer from the early performance and battery life woes that kept some people from upgrading last year. If the newer release catches on quickly, Lollipop might not reach the lofty adoption rates of its predecessors.

More info: Android Developer


According to a report by Appsflyer, Android users are much more likely to uninstall applications from their smartphones than iOS users. To be more precise, Android users are about twice as likely to uninstall an app from their phone, as compared to an Apple iPhone user. The conclusion was drawn by the analysts after going through data based on 500 apps and about 20 million devices. The comparatively short-lived interest in multiple apps, as exhibited by the Android populace could be a result of any one or multiple of the following reasons.

Android users outnumber iPhone users quite significantly, and unless the data was collected by keeping that fact in mind, the sheer numerical superiority can definitely contribute to such an overwhelming difference in behaviour between the two groups.

The Play Store now officially has more apps than the App Store, but when it comes to quality, the App Store is still leading. The Play Store has a lot of buggy and broken apps on it, which might be the reason why Android users uninstall a lot of the apps just shortly after downloading and using it.

Finally, it could be the absolute low-end, outdated garbage which some of the sellers (including Samsung) still sells to their customer base in developing nations like India, Pakistan, etc. Some of these horrible outdated phones even have internal storage capacities as low as 4GB (Useable memory being anything in between 1.2GB to 2.2GB at most). Add to this the fact that these devices also sport ancient hardware that can't even start the modern games properly and you have an instant answer for a lot of those quick uninstalls.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



WhatsApp, the well-known popular mobile messaging service has crossed another major milestone recently. The company CEO announced on Twitter that WhatsApp is now service over 600 million monthly active users.


The CEO was quick to point out that it's active users, that is, people actually using the service everyday, and not just registered users, which would be a bigger number but a lot of those people won't actually be using the service. This makes the milestone all the more impressive and shows once again just how popular WhatsApp is.






Last October, Google's Kirill Grouchnikov posted images of the new designs of Google Play on his G+ account. We saw that there were mainly two sections - "Apps and Games" and "Entertainment". At that time we believed that the changes would reflect in October itself. But, finally in November the redesigned UI got rolled out to all the users. The primary sections given above are retained in the final update. You can also have a look at the change in the image given above.

As a side note, the web version of Google Play is also getting a minor makeover to be in sync with the new mobile app version. The Google Play web store is now opening "Entertainment" section by default, which also has sub-sections dedicated to music, movies, books, comics, etc. rather than apps and games like it used to in the previous version. In order to access apps, users need to slide over and click the "Apps" button present on the left side. The new UI also has a carousel at the top for current promotions running or other highlighted products offered by Google.

Let us know in the comments section if you have also got the new update and whether you're liking it or not.






Cyanogen's employee Adnan Begovic dropped quite the bomb over the Seattle Coderush dev event. He claims today Cyanogen has over 50 million users, which is more than Windows Mobile and BlackBerry combined.


And let me stop you before you start digging evidences and reports that this is not true. He is absolutely right, at least technically.


Cyanogen OS


Windows Mobile is the key here the OS is the predecessor of Windows Phone and very few people are still using it today. The golden era of the Windows Mobile has been long over and only few users are still using their WM phones. Most of them probably use the notorious HTC HD2 and may even not run WM, but that's for another topic.


There is a chance Adnan Begovic meant Windows Phone instead of Windows Mobile. This means someone at Cyanogen was too keen to brag before making any proper calculations. Windows Phone had 50 million active users by the end of 2013 as per AdDuplex report, which means 20 months later those should be a lot more. And we are sure BlackBerry users are enough to tip the scales even if the Microsoft platform has been standing still.



Nexus 4 iphone 6


Many users made fun of Apple's New iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch that was revealed yesterday. Apple introduced three new devices with features that were ALREADY available for Android users years ago. Also, Apple entered the Smartwatches market with its New "Watch" that have all the features that are already available on any Android Wear Powered Smartwatch.


Comparing the iPhone 6 with the Nexus 4 we get the exact same features, size and display but a different OS and different release time. The Nexus 4 as released in [Nov,2012], iPhone 6 [Sept,2014]. Here's the Photo that Compares the iPhone 6 vs. Nexus 4.


iphone 6 vs Nexus 4



Also Here's another photo that started spreading online telling the fact that iPhone 6's A8 chip is made and Manufactured by Samsung (Apple's biggest competitor).


Samsung iphone



There is no doubt the new Apple iPhone 6 and especially the Apple iPhone 6 Plus are aimed at the flagship Android devices. Tim Cook himself admitted in a recent interview that it is an opportunity for them to switch people from Android to iOS, and they are doing everything they can to win back those people who they lost to Android because they didn't have a big screen phone.


Well, other than just having a big screen phone, Apple is also helping out people who might be on the fence to switching over. One thing they did is put up a support page on their website that details how you can go about migrating your content from your Android phone to an iPhone.


The page talks about various things, from emails, contacts, calendar entries, photos, videos, music, books, documents, and apps, and how you can move them from your current Android phone to an iPhone using various methods. So far, we have only seen Android OEMs do this to help you migrate your data from an iPhone to their device and for the first time, the tables have turned.



Apple Support



The iPhone is one of the best inventions of Apple. But not every iPhone user is aware of its full potential. If you are curious about what the iPhone can do for you, we have rounded up five best tips for you.

1. Swiping down from the middle of your display panel activates spotlight search. From here you can search for anything on your phone with one simple gesture. Like a file or setting and you can even get web results too.


2. You can create custom alerts for different people so you always know who is calling or texting you without even having to look at your phone. Go into your contacts app > Tap on the person you want, tap edit and then click either ringtone or text tone. From here you can choose any ringtones or text tones to play whenever that person calls or send a text message to you.


3. Need to read a smaller text? Use your iPhone as a magnifying glass. Go into settings > General > Accessibility > Magnifier. From now on, you can triple-click the home button to turn the iPhone's camera into a magnifying glass and your screen into a viewfinder?


4. Facetime audio is Apple's alternate option for traditional phone calls and these don't cost you anything. Click on the contact you want to talk, and if the face time is available, click on the phone symbol next to the video camera symbol. Face time audio operates over the Internet via WiFi or cellular data and these calls sound far clearer than the traditional calls if you are talking to someone outside the country.


5. You can turn your iPhone into flashlight without even opening the smartphone. When you wake up your iPhone, a button in the bottom-left corner of the screen shows a picture of a flashlight. Press into it, and your phone will use its rear flash as a torch.



This might be a bit weird, PornHub tracked the number of pages per visit. Now, you can read whatever you want into these numbers, but it turns out that Windows Phone users average 10.27 pages looked at during an average, uh, sitting. That compares to the 9.06 pages that Android users look at, and the 9.63 pages on average that BlackBerry users look at. For iOS users, the average is 9.78 PornHub pages viewed at one time. It would appear that Windows Phone users might take a bit longer than users of the other platforms, to complete their journey.


windows phone


On the other, er, hand, the average time of each visit gives us some new information to ponder. BlackBerry users spend the most time per session at 11 minutes, 53 seconds. There is more than two minute difference between that figure, and the 9 minutes, 17 seconds that the average Windows Phone user spends on the site. We could point out that BlackBerry users are older, executive types. Perhaps they need the extra two minutes to reach their objective. The shortest amount of time spent on PornHub belongs to iOS users at 8 minutes and 53 seconds.


windows phone os


So what platforms are visiting PornHub the most? Based on global traffic, 48.34% of visitors to PornHub are taking the trip on Android. 40.60% are using iOS. 2.3% of global visitors to the site are using Windows Phone when they arrive at the site. While 1.81% are employing a BlackBerry when visiting PornHub, 1.18% are using a Samsung mobile device.





Microsoft has increased the amount of free space you get if you use OneDrive on your phone. Previously the free space used to be 15GB but now you'll get 30GB instead.


To get the additional space, you will have to install the OneDrive application, if you haven't already, and enable camera uploads, which will automatically upload the photos taken by your phone to OneDrive. This works on iOS, Android, and of course Windows Phone.




It must be noted that the space is split between 15GB for the main account and 15GB just for camera uploads, so it's not a unified space accessible for everything. Also, the offer is valid till the end of September but is available to new and existing OneDrive users. So if you use OneDrive with camera upload, you should see the additional space.




win 10 linux


For a lot of people Windows 10 sounds like the a dream come true. The net installment of the popular OS promises universal apps across all hardware platforms and versions and perhaps even more exciting compatibility with every Windows Phone 8 handset out there.


Things looked even better after the US tech giant announced its plans to captivate the Chinese market by offering legal upgrades to both genuine and non-genuine Windows installs. Another piece of the Windows 10 puzzle has surfaces today, courtesy of a leaked China presentation and it could potentially show a slightly darker aspect of the upcoming OS.


win 10


The information has to do with "Secure Boot" the feature that once enabled, prevents unauthorized installation of other operating systems on the device. It has been around for quite some time, but, unlike with previous Windows versions, where Microsoft has allowed and in some cases even required OEM's to make the setting user-adjustable, Windows 10 will be a lot stricter on the matter.


With the new OS, Microsoft will no longer prevent OEM's from permanently enabling "Secure Boot" on their personal computers, which could potentially mean that a lot of new laptops and even some OEM desktop builds might not allow users to install anything but the Windows 10, supplied by the manufacturer. This, of course means no dual booting, no Linux, no Hackintosh, basically no actual freedom to exploit the hardware you own and have paid for.


And while the decision of whether or not to lock "Secure Boot" on a PC is entirely up to OEM's and could shift either way, things are really looking bad for Windows 10 on mobile devices. Microsoft will reportedly mandate all manufacturers, producing Windows powered phones, tablets and similar mobile tech to have "Fast Boot" permanently enabled. This could be a major hindrance to the software modding and developer community and once again, kind of locks you out from the hardware you legally own.



Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another 



Once the domain of a shady underworld and knowing the "right people," sports betting has evolved with the times. Today you can bet on your favorite teams without leaving your home or even firing up your PC.

These days, sports betting companies like Sbobet offer their clients the convenience of mobile betting. As you'll see in the image below, mobile betters have full access to all the same features as they do on a computer, but in a simplified format.

Considering that sports betting started in back alleys, it's come a long way in a short time. This progress was, however, out of necessity. With online gambling providing punters a quick and easy way to get their kicks, sports betting companies had to adapt or become obsolete.


Mobile Is the Ideal Medium


With mobile technology improving consistently, being out of contact is somewhat tricky. Combine that with the power of the web, and it's easy for punters to bet on matches globally. Punters took to the convenience of mobile betting quickly.

After all, if they're up at three in the morning desperate for some action, they've got the perfect outlet. They might bet on basketball in the United States or on an ostrich race halfway around the world.


Mobile Is Convenient for the Sports Betting Companies Too


Manually keeping track of all the action in one city is difficult. You'd have to find the matches, physically work out the odds, keep track of bets, and calculate payouts at the end.

With the introduction of computers, these tasks become a lot simpler. Sports betting companies could now also track games in several locations and assign odds using specialized algorithms. Mobile was a natural extension of this functionality when smartphones came onto the scene.

Mobile adds an extra element of excitement for the punter. For example, they can make bets from the stadium while watching the game.


Why Aren't There Many Sports Betting Apps?


You'd think that sports betting companies like Sbobet would develop an app for their clients to use. Most have, however, opted to go a different way. They've decided instead to create mobile sites designed to work across a range of devices.  

This broader approach makes sense in that it allows them to reach the widest audience. The broad reach does, however, come at the expense of user experience. Users operating off smaller screens find the process somewhat frustrating.

The upshot is that while all the basic features are present across a range of devices, accessing all of them on a smaller screen requires some practice. Still, as punters, we're happy to swap some functionality for the ability to place our bets on the go.


The Future of Sports Betting


Sports betting companies are highly responsive to their clients' needs. With the increasing popularity of mobile betting, we can expect companies to streamline their operations in this area even more in the future.

More technologically advanced smartphones will further assist in improving the overall user experience for mobile betting. Who knows - maybe ten years from now, smartwatches will become the next evolution in mobile betting.

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users 

tablet us

How long U.S. users use their tablets ? where they are using ? and when ? A New Infographic aims to answer those questions, and more. It's all about how people in the US are using their tablets, formatted as a timeline that starts in the morning.


As this isn't an image file per se, but more like an interactive Web page, we can't post it here in its entirety. So to view it make sure you head over to the Source link below.



Source [Infographic]

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users 

While Android 6 Marshmallow is apparently reserved only for their latest high end smartphones by Samsung, they have finally decided to roll out Android 5.1.1 updates for the Galaxy Note 3 Neo models in India. Reports of the OTA update first came in from the users and later on, Samsung confirmed the news as genuine. Check if your update has arrived yet by going into Settings>About Phone>System Update>Check for Updates.

Among the changes that this new update will bring to the Note 3 Neo's Indian variants, improvements will be seen in the notifications department as they will become easier to view and access. Before you download and install the update make sure that there is at least 3072MB of free space as specified by the update. Also, once it has finished installation, you should expect almost a gigabyte (950MB) of space to be taken up permanently by the new software installation.

With so much of emphasis on the Galaxy Note 5 and its newer dual SIM variant that was released with 32GB in-built memory for around 51,400 INR last week in India, it is good to see that some of the older and cheaper smartphones are not entirely forgotten by the Korean manufacturer.


Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india 

S5 lollipop


For one reason or another Poland has been chosen as the Lollipop testing ground and the Galaxy S5 is receiving its 2nd Lollipop update. This one patches up issues found in the first version which includes Stability and Performance Enhancements along with some reported bug fixes for the most part.


poland lollipop


You can update over the air (Settings > About > Software update) or you can use Samsung Kies. Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F) owners can also download the firmware and flash it themselves, though at this point it will probably be smarter to wait for the official rollout.


android lollipop


The new update weighs in at 371MB and has the following PDA number G900FXXU1BNL7. An official changelog is not available.


Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india samsung galaxy users poland got another lollipop 5.0 update with performance improvements 

Samsung has already released the Galaxy Note 5 Nougat 7.0 update for a lot of the regions including the US, India and South Korea. Europe joins the list today as Romania was reportedly the first country to receive the OTA package in the region. All other European nations should join in the action soon enough. If you are in another European country and have already started to receive the update, do let us know in the comments.

Just like all other versions of the update for the Galaxy Note 5, this one also comes in at a hefty 1300MB. The firmware version on the update is N920IDVU3CQD3. As always, turn on the Wi-Fi and enter the world of Nougat; the latest and greatest OS that Android has had to offer yet. However, I don't know how much longer I will be able to keep saying that, given that Android O is just around the corner.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Head over to our firmware section to find all the latest available updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india samsung galaxy users poland got another lollipop 5.0 update with performance improvements european galaxy note users get taste nougat 

Users of the Galaxy A5 (2016) in Netherlands were not fortunate enough to receive the Nougat update like most of Europe did months ago and just when things were starting to look particularly embarrassing for Samsung Netherlands, they have started to roll out the elusive update. Late as it may be, if you are in Netherlands and you own the neglected smartphone, this is good news for you. So start checking for the OTA package on your smartphone now.

The update is only valid for unlocked versions of the phone so if your Galaxy A5 (2016) is carrier locked, we are sorry to say that unfortunately this news doesn't concern you. The build number on the firmware is A510FXXU4CQE9 and strangely enough, it only contains the May security patch instead of the expected June SMR. Apart from upgrading your Android OS, the update will also change the overlying UI in certain areas such as the notification shade and the app icons. If you see any other changes worth mentioning, do let us know in the comments.

Head over to our firmware section to find all the latest available updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india samsung galaxy users poland got another lollipop 5.0 update with performance improvements european galaxy note users get taste nougat dutch users galaxy (2016) finally getting taste android nougat 

It has been a few days now since Samsung first began updating the Galaxy S8 and S8+ with the final Android 8.0 Oreo version in India, Poland and France, but those updates were only reserved for the Galaxy Beta users. As expected though, the same update has now also started to roll out for the regular users who did not sign up for the Beta program.

This time the list is quite expansive as SamMobile earlier confirmed the fact that the update is seeing release in India, UAE, Turkey, Belgium Norway and Germany. This isn't necessarily a complete list though, because it is perfectly possible for you to receive Android 8.0 Oreo even if your region was not mentioned here. In fact, by the time you are reading this, we are pretty sure that a few other countries are also seeing the update rolled out to S8 and S8+ users. Just in case you are wondering, the firmware version remains G950FXXU1CRAP/G955FXXU1CRAP for the Galaxy S8/S8+, just as it was for the beta testers.

In the meanwhile, check out our firmware section to find all the latest updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india samsung galaxy users poland got another lollipop 5.0 update with performance improvements european galaxy note users get taste nougat dutch users galaxy (2016) finally getting taste android nougat non-beta users begin receiving oreo update galaxy s8+ 

UK was the first region to see Oreo ship out for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge back in May, but now other regions are also joining the list. India has just joined in as one of the regions that are getting the Android 8.0 update for the S7 and S7 Edge in June, alongside UAE. If you live in Europe or South Korea however, you probably already have the update installed, but that's to be expected.

The firmware version carrying the Android Oreo upgrade is G930FXXU2EREM for the Galaxy S7 and G935FXXU2EREM for the Galaxy S7 Edge. Both updates are around the 1.4 GB mark, with firmware version G935FXXU2EREM being slightly larger in size than G930FXXU2EREM. The update patch included with the package is from April though and that's a bit disappointing, given that we are already into the second week of June! Feel free to check for the update manually from the Settings menu, but it you will be prompted once it lands on your smartphone via OTA anyway.

Check out our firmware section to find all the latest updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Saikat Kar

Tags: google’s decision cut-off ties with huawei impact international users huawei users don’t have worry three months why websites need cater mobile users most iphone users want swtich galaxy was offered lower price samsung galaxy 32gb variant have 23gb available users only disney plus users get “unable connect” error launch day razer accidentally leak customer’s data affecting thousands users htc sense shutting down forcing users move into peel new survey reports that most samsung users stay loyal company users finding difficult charge galaxy 2016 past 87% google able fix bug that lets users bypass factory reset protection nexus devices google’s new app gives android users access augmented reality ​android now has 1.4bn active users 300m lollipop android users less “loyal” apps with double uninstallation rate than ios whatsapp has more than 600 million monthly active users new milestone updated google play rolls out users cyanogen reaches 50m users beating microsoft windows mobile apple dear iphone plus users welcome 2012 photo apple support encourage users migrate android iphone best tips make life iphone users easy pornhub: windows phone users slower reaching destination page microsoft onedrive users get 15gb additional storage enabling camera uploads windows may prevent users dual-boot another how sports betting companies adapted mobile users infographic useful tablet usage users android 5.1.1 lollipop finally here samsung galaxy note neo users india samsung galaxy users poland got another lollipop 5.0 update with performance improvements european galaxy note users get taste nougat dutch users galaxy (2016) finally getting taste android nougat non-beta users begin receiving oreo update galaxy s8+ indian users start receiving oreo update galaxy edge 


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